
Strategy Video

The S.A.V.E. Framework

Video: The S.A.V.E. Framework

Commentary by the creators of the S.A.V.E framework about the origins and application of the framework to B2B marketing.

Measurement Video

Video: Marketing Finance with Jonathan Knowles

Strategy Video

Social Media & the CEO's Agenda

Video: Social Media & The CEO’s Agenda

Measurement Video

Type 2 Consulting - YouTube - Marketing Finance: Perspective of Five Senior Marketers

Video: Marketing Finance: The Perspective of Five Senior Marketers

Great advice from five accomplished marketers about the importance of focusing on business impact, not simply creative impact.

Mergers Video

Type 2 Consulting - YouTube - Brand Strategy Post-Merger

Video: Brand Strategy & Post-Merger Returns

A short video I recorded to summarize our findings into the relationship between corporate branding and post merger returns.

Measurement Video

Type 2 Consulting - YouTube - What Marketers Need to Know About Finance

Video: What Marketers Need to Know About Finance

My observations on the points of commonality – and points of difference – between marketers and finance professionals.

Measurement Video

Type 2 Consulting - YouTube - Intangible Value

Video: The Importance of Intangible Value to Your Business

My short explanation of the financial significance of intangible assets – and the difference forms they take.

Premium Content

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