
Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Feb 2018: Selling Solutions is Not Enough

Coauthored with two senior marketing executives, we explore how B2B businesses have to go beyond talking about their capabilities (aka solutions) and focus on the outcomes that they enable their customers to achieve. We identify five areas in which change is required in order to reflect this orientation towards customer outcomes.


Article Strategy

The Marketing Journal - Jan 2019: Don’t Risk Your Brand to Build Your Reputation

Brands are commercial constructs whose role is to persuade customers to buy. It is only a good strategy for a brand to define itself in terms of a social cause if it can do so authentically – and that the purchase behavior of its target customers is driven by their commitment to this cause.


Article Strategy

HBR - Sept 2017: Social Purpose – Brand or Reputation?

Harvard Business Review featured my commentary on how it was important to distinguish between the interests of your brand and your corporate reputation in order to understand the role that social purpose should play in your strategy.


Article Strategy

HBR - Jan 2013: Rethinking the 4 P’s

We put forward S.A.V.E as the B2B version of the four P’s — broadening the concept of product to solution; place to access; price to value; and promotion to education.


Report Strategy

Report - 2018: The Outcomes Era

Marketing is a business discipline that adapts to changes in technology that impact how customers discover, evaluate, purchase and consume products and services. Marketing is therefore the most context-dependent of all the business disciplines.

Marketing has been through a number of “eras” since it first emerged as a business discipline at the beginning of the twentieth century. The goal of this report is to analyze the changes in technology that give rise to each era in order to understand how marketing should respond to the latest technologies – digitization, the Internet of Things, and personalization.

Our conclusion is that a focus on customer outcomes is what is required to ensure that marketing continues to meet its purpose of acquiring and retaining customers.

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Strategy Video

The S.A.V.E. Framework

Video: The S.A.V.E. Framework

Commentary by the creators of the S.A.V.E framework about the origins and application of the framework to B2B marketing.

Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Jan 2008: Don’t Confuse Brand With Reputation

The recent spate of corporate scandals and executive misdeeds, including backdating, pretexting, embezzling, anonymous blogging and other unsavory activities, has brought the “reputation imperative” to the top of the agenda for business leaders.


Strategy Video

Social Media & the CEO's Agenda

Video: Social Media & The CEO’s Agenda

Article Strategy

Type 2 Consulting - Published Articles - Vulcans Earthlings and Marketing ROI

WLUP: Vulcans, Earthlings, & Marketing ROI

A light-handed but serious attempt to educate marketers about how to express the business impact of their work. Sponsored by the Institute of Canadian Agencies and coauthored with the vice chairman of Ogilvy & Mather in Canada, this book allowed me to integrate my thoughts around strategy, finance and marketing.


Slideshare Strategy

Type 2 Consulting - SlideShare Presentation - Marketing Finance: Vulcans & Earthlings

Presentation: Marketing Finance: Vulcans & Earthlings

A brief overview of how the mindset of a homo economicus (aka Vulcans) differs from the mindset of real people

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