
Report Strategy

The B2B Institute: The Three Drivers of Financial Value

Using the Gordon Growth Model as the foundation, this report (produced in collaboration with the B2B Institute at LinkedIn) identifies the six marketing levers that map to the three drivers of financial value

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Report Strategy

Report - 2018: The Outcomes Era

Marketing is a business discipline that adapts to changes in technology that impact how customers discover, evaluate, purchase and consume products and services. Marketing is therefore the most context-dependent of all the business disciplines.

Marketing has been through a number of “eras” since it first emerged as a business discipline at the beginning of the twentieth century. The goal of this report is to analyze the changes in technology that give rise to each era in order to understand how marketing should respond to the latest technologies – digitization, the Internet of Things, and personalization.

Our conclusion is that a focus on customer outcomes is what is required to ensure that marketing continues to meet its purpose of acquiring and retaining customers.

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