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Article Measurement
Explores the commercial reasons for undertaking a brand valuation – and why brand valuation is not the “ace in the hole” for demonstrating marketing accountability
Article Measurement
We argue that marketers’ obsession with achieving balance sheet recognition for brands is misplaced because the purpose and practices of financial accounting involve requirements that brands cannot meet. Rather, we see a significant opportunity for marketers to propose changes to management accounting so that the internal accounts of the business better reflect economic reality.
Article Measurement
Review of the relationship between design, ingenuity, intangible value and business value. My effort to help creatives articulate their contribution to business success.
Article Measurement
The concept of brand equity first emerged in the marketing literature of the late 1980s. The use of a financial term for what was actually a customer-based construct has been a highly effective technique for communicating the idea that brands are long-lived business assets that can have significant financial value.
Article Measurement
I was fortunate to collaborate with the great Tim Ambler on this review of how marketing metrics have evolved – but how their key role is still to ensure that a business has a market orientation.