
Strategy Video

The S.A.V.E. Framework

Video: The S.A.V.E. Framework

Commentary by the creators of the S.A.V.E framework about the origins and application of the framework to B2B marketing.

LinkedIn Post Measurement

LinkedIn: What is the Real Balance Sheet of Your Business?

Measurement Video

Video: Marketing Finance with Jonathan Knowles

Mergers Slideshare

Type 2 Consulting - SlideShare Presentation - Brand Strategy & Mergers

Presentation: Brand Strategy and Mergers: Is Brand a Significant Variable?

Presentation that summarizes our research on the relationship of post merger corporate brand strategy and stock performance.

Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Jan 2008: Don’t Confuse Brand With Reputation

The recent spate of corporate scandals and executive misdeeds, including backdating, pretexting, embezzling, anonymous blogging and other unsavory activities, has brought the “reputation imperative” to the top of the agenda for business leaders.


Article Measurement

AMA - July 2008: Varying Perspectives on Brand Equity

The concept of brand equity first emerged in the marketing literature of the late 1980s. The use of a financial term for what was actually a customer-based construct has been a highly effective technique for communicating the idea that brands are long-lived business assets that can have significant financial value.


Article Measurement

Type 2 Consulting - Published Article - Orientation & Marketing Metrics

Sage Publishing - Mar 2009: Orientation & Marketing Metrics

I was fortunate to collaborate with the great Tim Ambler on this review of how marketing metrics have evolved – but how their key role is still to ensure that a business has a market orientation.


Strategy Video

Social Media & the CEO's Agenda

Video: Social Media & The CEO’s Agenda

Measurement Video

Type 2 Consulting - YouTube - Marketing Finance: Perspective of Five Senior Marketers

Video: Marketing Finance: The Perspective of Five Senior Marketers

Great advice from five accomplished marketers about the importance of focusing on business impact, not simply creative impact.

Article Mergers

MIT SMR - Jun 2006: Merging Brands & The Brand Merger

Our ambitious project to categorize the ten corporate brand options from which merging companies can select – and the messaging that customers, employees and investors will infer from each.

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