
Report Strategy

The B2B Institute: The Three Drivers of Financial Value

Using the Gordon Growth Model as the foundation, this report (produced in collaboration with the B2B Institute at LinkedIn) identifies the six marketing levers that map to the three drivers of financial value

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Article Measurement

MarketingNPV Journal - Oct 2004: Don’t Waste Time with Brand Valuation

Explores the commercial reasons for undertaking a brand valuation – and why brand valuation is not the “ace in the hole” for demonstrating marketing accountability


Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Oct 2022: The New Math of Mulitstakeholderism

Identifies how value is a combinatorial function in stakeholder capitalism – your performance is only as good as your weakest link. Contrasts this to the compensatory nature of shareholder capitalism where financial performance makes up for the deficiencies in your performance on other dimensions


Article Strategy

HBR - March 2022: What is the Purpose of Your Purpose?

In this feature article from the March/April 2022 issue of Harvard Business Review, we unpack the different meanings of “purpose” and identify the four business agendas that are impacted by it. We lay out a five step process for ensuring that your corporate purpose is defined in a way that is authentic and actionable.


Article Strategy

MIT SMR - March 2022: Leading Change Means Changing How You Lead

In the sixth article of “The Strategy of Change” series in the MIT Sloan Management Review, we explore how the focus of the three key tasks of leadership vary according to the type of change you are trying to achieve.


Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Oct 2021: Effective Innovation Begins with Strategic Direction

In the fifth article of “The Strategy of Change” series in the MIT Sloan Management Review, we explore how your innovation efforts need to be informed by the type of change you are trying to achieve.


Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Aug 2021: Great Strategy Considers More Than Customers and Investors

In the fourth article of “The Strategy of Change” series in MIT Sloan Management Review, we explore how a focus on creating value for a broader range of stakeholders can result in much better strategy.


Article Strategy

MIT SMR - May 2021: Most Businesses Should Neither “Pivot” Nor “Double Down”

In this third article in our MIT Sloan Management Review series, we share three key insights emerging from the MADStrat research – the proportion of companies for which change in magnitude vs. activity vs. direction are appropriate; the need to be both relevant and distinctive; and the requirement to consider the interests of multiple stakeholders in order to develop truly sustainable strategies.


Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Dec 2020: The Essence of Strategy is Now How To Change

In our second article in the “strategic management of change” series in the MIT Sloan Management Review, we identify how traditional approaches to strategy development embody two assumptions (industry stability; and shareholder primacy) that limit their usefulness now that a dynamic, multi-stakeholder approach is required. We describe how a focus on fit to purpose and relative advantage provides the key to identifying what form of change is appropriate to the specific context of a business.


Article Strategy

MIT SMR - Aug 2020: Changing How We Think About Change

The word “change” covers a broad spectrum of possibilities – in the first article of “The Strategy of Change” series in the MIT Sloan Management Review, we identify the three major forms that change can take: magnitude, activity or direction.

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